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Key Information

Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

If you have a complaint regarding the SEND provision that your child is receiving or should be receiving, please contact Emma Barton (Academy SENCO) on 01205 365527 or, Maxine Cunningham (Trust Inclusion Lead) on or Rachel Bailey (Head of Academy) on 01205 365527.

The school has ongoing identification procedures for SEND as part of continuous assessment. We establish as much information as we can regarding a child’s individual needs at intake stage when we meet with parents and carry out nursery visits.

If our experience and expertise indicates that a child has Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities we will always discuss this with parents, either initially with the class teacher and/or the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO).

If a child’s name is placed on the school’s SEND register then an appropriate programme of action is devised, closely monitored and reviewed (known as an Individual Education Plan – IEP). If a child is not responding sufficiently to any additional support that the school is able to provide, and after discussion with parents, we may refer to outside agencies such as STAPS (Specialist Teachers), Speech Therapist or Educational Psychologist.

The Trust’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is available via appointment and she will be more than happy to meet with parents to discuss any individual concerns that they may have.

More Able Children

More able children also have additional needs in order for them to attain and surpass their potential. As a school we identify more able children; we are quick to put in place provision which challenges them, provides new experiences and develops aspirations for the future.

Positive Climate for Learning

We have very high expectations of our pupils and take a firm line on behaviour as, if children are to make the best possible progress, their learning must not be hampered by the behaviour of others. These expectations are outlined in our Behaviour for Learning Policy.

Staniland Academy is an inclusive school. All members of the school community should be free from discrimination of any sort (as laid down in the Equality act, 2010). To this end the school has a clear and comprehensive Anti-Bullying Policy that is known and understood by all, consistently applied and monitored for its effectiveness. Measures to protect pupils from bullying and discrimination as a result of gender, race, ability, sexual orientation or background are clearly set out.

PINS Project

Staniland Academy are taking part in a national project, in association with the Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum, the NHS and The Working Together Team. The project is for this academic year and is to provide support for our learners, our staff and their families with any Neurodiverse needs.

For information on this project, please visit PINS Home 

We are part of the Voyage Education Partnership

Voyage Education Partnership Venture House, Enterprise Way Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7TW